No customers and only a few volunteers have been in our building in 10 days and it has been bleached inside out and will be sanitized continually. We have gloves, germ-x and masks if needed. We are keeping customers out and setting up perimeter/zones and distributing at the door. This protects our customers and us. I think our building is safer anywhere in Pittsburg. We have a lot of Senior volunteers. Many volunteers are getting pressure to pull out and stay home.

First, know the measures we are taking and then do as you feel led, I’ve lost 6 that I know of so far. We will need people that will protect themselves now, stay home and be ready to step up.
In 1918 with the Spanish flu, most leadership fell apart and the women stepped up and ran soup kitchens. If you keep people nourished you will help keep them well and protect everyone.
I’ve said it, San Francisco took it seriously, and set rules before the government did and shielded their town. Hard times may be ahead, I’m hoping since we are one of God’s favorites that we will all be shielded and at the same time we are taking extraordinary cautions so we can keep giving food.
We have a rough 2 months and it will get better, it will pass over, stay home unless its critical and giving food is critical. So do as you feel led. This will pass.